Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Talladega Frights

Halloween is almost here! I love horror/suspense/thriller films and attractions. Luckily, Talladega Frights is near my area. Last Friday night, I went with some friends to see it for the first time ever! I've been wanting to go but something always comes up. But this year, no one can stop me! Haha. Let me introduce you to Talladega Frights...

Courtesy of TF's Facebook Page
They have three attractions: Zombie X where you can shoot some zombies. Wicked Dark where you have to find your way out of a dark maze. Let me tell you, it was kind of confusing to find the exit! Plus there was a lot of smoke. The last one is The Haunted House which has all sorts of scary creatures/people!

Excuse our faces. We just got chased by the chainsaw guy. Haha. We ended the night by eating some frozen yogurt. :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I am not fond of scary things.... As much as possible I avoid scary circumstances... So I think the place is not for me... Looks like you enjoyed it... =)

