Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To: Red Velvet Cake Pops

First time using the Blogger App for iPhone. So happy they finally have one.

One of my frustrations is baking. I love how you can be so artsy with it. So out of my frustration and stress from finals, I immediately searched for a recipe online. I stumbled upon Bakerella and the rest is history.

Ingredients: Red Velvet Cake Mix, Lollipop Sticks, Candy Melts, Cream Cheese Frosting, Sprinkles
Crumble crumble
Mixing the crumbled cake with the frosting.

I tell you...I'm no good at this.

Candy Melts


Okay, this is my first time so please be nice. Haha. I had some problems when I was tryinh to stick it into the lolli stick but it somehow worked out. It was fun making these yummy treats! 

All pictures were taken using my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Hee. Looks yummy!!!:) For a long time I thought cake pops were made using a circle mold or something, yun pala it's crumbled and shaped like a ball :p
